Mommy and Daddy came to visit me in the hospital today. I was so happy to see them that I tried to swim out of the nurse's arms through the air to get to them. The nurse was good and held on tight so I wouldn't fall. We got to spend some time together in the "quiet room," which is this very nice room with carpets and couches and boxes of tissue. I wimpered a lot because I am so sad right now. There is something funny with my legs...I can't seem to make them do what I want.
I get to come home tomorrow, and Mommy and Daddy are spending all day today preparing for my arrival with pee pads, a new low-front doggy bed, and a reinstatement of the ex-pen and crate system. I remember when I was very small I had to be on what they called "crate rest" for a long time because my pelvis was hurty. I have to do the same thing now because my legs and back are hurty.
I am trying to keep my chin up and be brave for Mommy and Daddy. It has been very helpful to me (and especially Mommy) over the last few days to use my blog as someplace to talk about my troubles and to read all the encouraging comments from all my DWB friends. I promise I will be around visiting and commenting when I am feeling a bit better.
Poppy the Little Blonde Chihuahua
woofies Poppy, nice to meeteded hear u not feelies to hopies u gets better soons...u not wanna b sick gur xmas...b good and do watt da dogtor and ur mama and daddy say...
b safe and get well,
;)lacylulu and mama!!!
oh Poppy, we found your site through DWB....
so sorry to hear of your health probs.
Get well soon sweetheart.
sending loving and healing licks your way from Scotland xxxxxxx
Marvin the Hollow Hound xxxxxx
Hi Poppy!!!!
I'm so glad to see you are up. I bet you were excitered to see your Momma and Daddy!!! Please be a good pup and take it easy when you go home. I have faith that you will be a-ok in NO TIME!!!
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby
OH POPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sending you so many good vibes that I know you will get them all & get better real soon! You may have to relearn a lot of things..but I'm so certain you will be doing all your athletic stuff as soon as can be...Please be strong for your mom & dad & I know they'll be strong for you...
We are praying for your speedy & healthy recovery....
Love & Lick,
Poppy we are happy to hear you are going home tomorrow. You will be much happier at home with your beans....which means dat you will heal better at home, at least we think so. You have an awesome scar, though, yikes. Hope your fur grows in fast. Oh, and try to rest lots - we know dat's hard for an active dog like you.
purrs and purrayers,
Mindy & Moe
Oh Poppy... it makes me cry to read your post. And I know I should be happy because you're doing well, but your incision just makes me sad. :*(
Take your time getting well and don't feel bad about not visiting or commenting on blogs. Please get better SOON!
Oh, and thank your mom for keeping us updated while you are going through these hard time!
Love you!
Oh Poppy, that's a pretty big Ouchie on your back. If I were there I'd give you gentle healing licks to make you feel better.
I'm glad you get to go home tomorrow. It might be a little tuff being on crate rest, but at least you'll be in your own house, with your own people to care for you 24/7.
Lots of nubby wiggly prayers for you to heal FAST!!
Nice to meet you. We just read about your surgery on DWB and came to wish you a speedy recovery.
Hope it went well.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Congratulations Poppy for being able to go home soon.
I am sure you will be up and running again in no time. Do you have any vet who can do acupuncture in your area? it helps loads if you can receive acupuncture treatment too.
My heart really goes out to you guys. It must have been so hard to see Poppy and not be able to bring her home, but I bet it was therapeutic for all of you to spend some time with each other. Her incisions made me so sad, but she still has her adorable, signature "Poppy" look in these pictures. What an angel!
I know she will use her legs again and I wish her the speediest recovery possible. I continue to send all good wishes your way.
Thanks for keeping us posted on Poppy. We'll keep checking back for updates.
Frannie (wiley & Fievel, too!)
Hi, Poppy
I am sure that with the love and good care of your mom and dad you will be recovered pretty soon! Glad to hear that you are coming home tomorrow. I know that it will take some time but I am praying for your well being.
Have a good night
Hey Poppy - get better soon buddy. We are all thinking of you and sending lots of love and positive vibes your way.
We are sending some wild 'n crazy good vibes Poppy's way so that she will get well soon. This is our first time to visit her blog and she sure looks like a brave little Chihuahua! Hope she's feeling lots better by Christmas!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi Poppy, I'm Mickey. My furcousins told about you on their blog . I came over to wish you well and send you healing Purrs and Purrayers! I hope you feel better soon. That is an awesome scar!!! WOW!
Purrs Mickey(keeping his paws crossed )
I forgot to say that my furcousins are Moe and Mindy from Team Tabby.
Purrs Mickey
Dear Poopy~!
I hope you could return home soon before Christmas~!!!
I am praying for you!
Hi Poppy,
My name is Koobuss and I am a wire fox terrier.
I just found your blog and I am so sad and sorry to hear about your problems and your surgery. Little doggies should never have to suffer. We hurt no one and love everybody. We do no wrong. It's just not fair that you should have such pain. You poor sweet little angel. And your family is hurting right along with you. We send our best wishes to them, too.
Best of luck to you in your recovery and rehab! Get well soon, my little friend.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
KC said...
O, Poppy,u's so cute. So sorry to hear about ur owies. you an yours fambly is welcome to come by tha Cat Blogosphere fur tha Carnival of the Cats on Sunday (i's hosting) and on Monday fur our 2nd annual Christmas Eve Party. we's got lots of woofie friends, too. In fact, mine step-mom was a little grey poodle. we lost her in April at 18 years of age. we all miss her so much.
We'll be purr-raying an purring fur you to feel better fast. i'll put you on our Pet Prayer & Praise List, too.
Purrs, KC
pee ess: visit me an mine sisfur Missy at our bloggie.
Get well soon, Poppy ... I read about you at Moe & Mindy's blog,
Team Tabby sent us over to send yoo some purrs. Yoo look like a furry nice and brave little woofie, we hope yoo heal up and feel better real fast.
Poppy, please get all better soon!
Good wishes that Poppy has a full recovery.
Dear Poppy
I really really hope you feel better soon. I don't like to sympathise with dogs but for you I will make an exception. I think you are adorable and I just want you to get better. Your humans are clearly giving you the best treatment imaginable. I may have to come over and stay awhile.
Healing purrs
Yao-Lin xccx
OK Chica, just remember two things and you will get well in no time: #1- Take it nice and easy when you get home and no jumping around OK?
#2 - milk this for all the treats and pressies you can!
We are so worried about you! We are sending you good thoughts, prayers,doggie karma....We want to see you run on that beach again!
~ChaChi and JET
Poppy, and parents, we just wanted to tell you to hang in there. Things will get easier with a little time and someday you will all look back on this day with a smile instead of a tear.
The FleasGang
We hope you feel better soon! Sending you purrs and woofs.
Riley, Tiki, & Kesey
Poppy, we heard about you on the Cat Blogosphere and rushed right over to bring you hugs and purrs and wishes for a speedy recovery. We're a houseful of cats with only one woofie, but we LOVE woofies and one of our best friends is a chihuahua who looks just like you!
We're glad you'll get to be home for Christmas!
& the Artsy Catsy houseful
Oh Poppy, you sweet baby! I am very sorry that your legs and back are hurty. But I am glad that you will be coming home soon. I wish you a speedy recovery, and hope you are back on your feets in no time. I am sending strong healing purrs to you.
Pearly and I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Warm hugs and tons of smoochies!
Hello Poppy
My name is Asta and I just wead about youw suwgewy and wanted to come wish you a speedy wecovewy and give you some healing smoochie kisses
You awe such a cutie and I hope you will feel bettew vewy soon..muwahhhh!
I hope you awe able to have a vewy happy Chwissmuss
If you have a pee mail, could you send it to me pleez so I can send you a Chwissmuss cawd?
mine is
thank you
snmoochie kisses
Dear Poppy,
Smoocheroonies to you. I hope you get better quickly. You're brave to go through surgery. I hope your back gets all better and you don't need wheels but if you do I bet you'll be the awesomest wheeled chihuahua there ever was!
Hello Poppy:
Very nice to meet you - Got the AIREZEN fired up and working it's way over to your house....
Take things slow and easy and listen to what Mum & Dad say - no rush - soon you'll be ups and at it again good as new....
Hi Poppy - we heard about your prollems from Moe and Mindy and the Cat Blogosphere.
oh, we hope you are home by now! we are sending you really big PURRRSSS to get better real fast!
You're a cute woofie!
Sammy and Miles Meezer
Poppy, we heard about your ouchies on the Cat Blogosphere. Take it easy, and get well soon, cute puppy. Remember what Mack said: Milk this for all the treats, cuddles and sleeping on the bed you can get.
Oh Poppy, I feel so sad for you. My mom is getting a little teary eyed reading your story. I hope you feel much better soon.
Oh Poppy... we found your site through DWB and are so sorry to hear about your emergency surgery. We will be sending strong positive thoughts and prayers to you and hope that you will heal properly and walk again one day.
Sitka (and meows from Tia)
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