This is the last picture we have of Clover. It was taken on Friday, the day before she died. I think it is nice that the last picture is of my big sister and me together.
Mommy keeps thinking she sees Clover behind the curtains and curled up on the bed. But she's not there. It was all so sudden. Clover had a heart condition: early stages of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and also an irregular heart rhythm. Mommy got up on Saturday morning and said hello to Clover and petted her and carried her around a little bit, and then put her down and went in the other room. A few minutes later, Mommy heard Clover scratching on her post, and then there was a thud. Mommy ran out to see if Clover was okay, thinking that she had fallen off the couch again--she does that sometimes with our new couches. But she was just lying there on the floor next to her post, breathing funny. Daddy got his stethoscope and tried to help, but it was too late. She died in Daddy's arms. It all happened so quickly.
Mommy and Daddy rushed her to the vet, but it was too late. We think she threw a clot to her brain or had sudden cardiac arrest. Either one could have been caused by her heart condition.
We all miss her a lot. Here is Mommy's favorite picture of Clover:
This is another great one of what we call(ed) "Double Happiness." That was when both Clover and I were on Mommy or Daddy's lap at the same time! Mommy and Daddy already miss this.
Bye for now,
Poppy the Little Blonde Chihiahua