Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A New Not-a-Toy

I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all the doggies and kitties who said they liked my Sooper Pooper costume and Clover's pumpkin costume. We had fun on Howloween, and we hope you did too!

I recently discovered a new toy in my house. My daddy insists that it's Not-a-Toy, but I beg to differ. It is called a hackey sack. It's like a ball, but chewier! This is a picture of me right after I discovered it:

Then Daddy taught me how to play hackey sack for real! It was fun and I got the hang of it right away!

Bye for now!
Poppy the Little Blonde Chihuahua


Lorenza said...

Hi, Poppy
That Not-a-Toy looks fun to play with. And I am sure you were happiest playing with it and your Dad!
Have a good night

2shibas said...

Wow, Poppy! I never knew you were so sporty! I'm utterly impressed.


Daisy said...

Yep, it is definitely a toy! And I think you are a hackey sack master, Poppy.

Randi said...

Poppy! I think you need to compete professionally - ore the olympics are coming up! I'd root for you!

Love & Licks,

Team Tabby said...

Those hackey sacks are wonderful to play with. Tall Son used to take them to school and play at lunch wif them. We would like them if they had da 'nip inside, ha.

Moe & Mindy

Team Tabby said...

PS - we like your video a lot. You are a cute woofie.

Moe & Mindy

Deefor said...

Not-a-Toys are the best toys. That looks like a fun one. And you are terrific with it. Hope you have fun if you go skiing.


ChaChi Lu said...

I think that NOT-A-TOY looks EXACTLY like a toy. How cool is that?

~ChaChi Lu

Poppy Q said...

That hackey sackey sure looks fun - as soon as you spits on it its yours!!

Nice costooms - you guys look great. Super pooper hahahahaha

Lindy said...

Dear Maggie,

I've tagged you to participate in a very cool and fun thing called TEN RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME. Humans play these kinds of games all the time so they can get to know one another better. I guess it's quicker than butt sniffing. Anyway, I want you to play too. You can see my ten things on my blog, and you can see where I tagged your name too.
I hope you play.



Rowan the Dog
Austin, Texas
My blog: http://rowanthedog.blogspot.com/
My guardian's blog: http://www.freewebs.com/lmcmillan9/

Tadpole said...

oh my dogness - my girl needs to learn how to play that game!!!

Murphey said...

Oh, if I had that little ball I would tear it up and fling the insides all over the house...but it does look fun to play with. I just can't help destroying my toys.
