This is the pen that Mommy and Daddy set up for me in the livingroom. It is right next to the Christmas tree. Mommy says that having me home is almost the best Christmas present ever. (The best would be to make my legs work again.)
Thank you to all my DWB friends for the wonderful comments over the past several days. It has really helped me feel better. We have a long way to go, and I have to learn to do something called "rehabilitation." I wonder if that is like agility... Although I heard something about an "underwater treadmill." Surely you jest.
Resting With My Wubba,
Poppy the LBC
Oh sweet hang in there, ok? You will get better and better everyday, ok? Just listen to what your Mom and Dad says...they are watching out for you!
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby
We are glad to hear that you are home, Poppy, and not in that scary, strange smelling hospital. You need to rest and recover. Your beans made a very nice setup for that. They are taking very good care of you.
Mindy & Moe
woofies wishes me cood do sumthin to help u...u jus gonna haf to take one day at a is shure in no time u will b up and runnin around, gettin into everthing...
b safe,
Oh Poppy,
You are so brave! I hope your wubba and blankee help you to feel better. We hope you aren't scared up and know we are thinking about you.
ChaChi and JET
Hi, Poppy
Sure I am happy to see you there at your home.
Please don't be scared! You will see everything is going to be ok.
If you need rehabilitation, we will be rooting for you!
Kisses and hugs
Soo glad you are back home! Hospital's are not good! Especially the smell. Too clean. Not natural. Anyhoo, please get to feeling better, we are still praying for you!!
Get well sugars,
Little Poppy, I am going to sing you a lullabye to listen to while you are resting to help you get better. I am very sorry that my singing voice is not too good. Here I go:
"Nighttime comes with shadows trailing;
Baby's eyes are open wide,
Watching what the twilight pale
Hides behind her purple veil.
Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
Momma knows that sleep is best.
Sleep shall take you where the lilies
Star the quiet pool with light,
Where the winds are whistling mild,
Glad to greet a weary child.
Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
Momma knows that sleep is best."
Please get lots of good rest so you can get better very soon.
Oh, Poppy. We are so glad you're home. You are the sweetest Christmas gift your parents could ever receive!
Get lots of rest and snuggle w/ your Wubba! You need all your strength to make a full and speedy recovery.
With love and healing licks,
Wiley & Fievel
Poppy, rest well and get well soon. I still remember the time when I was temporary paralysed last year. It was scary and stressful for both me and my hooman.
Please ask your hooman to contact my jie jie if they need any information about my recovery process.
woofies Poppy, me wood likie to send u a xmas carwd and get well carwd in one, iffin u wood plez gemme ur email addy...
b safe,
Way to be stong, Poppy-cicle. Just do what they tell you (YES, even "in the water" stuff) and you'll get better quicker.
Pee Ess - I'm still jealous of your pee-pee pads. *sigh*
Hey, Poppy Girl!
I just heard about your surgery from Randi the lab/Newf, and wanted to come by to tell you that I'm sending you some healing goober smooches your way. It sounds like it would be hard to be quiet and in your pen, but rest up, girl. You've been through the ringer, but it sounds like you're emerging on the other side.
You could also give some goober smooches to your mama and dad from me. I bet they've been worried about you.
Maybe you could come visit me sometime in my country, GooberStan. (I'm a rescue Airedale Terrier and I have my own country you see). Take your time. You're welcome whenever you want to come by.
Your new goober friend,
We're sending you more good doggie vibes....hopefully being home and by your Christmas tree will help you feel better.
The Brat Pack
Hi Poppy,
I am glad you are home !! This got to be the BEST news this Christmas :)
You rest well and be good ok ?
Merry Christmas and enjoy your treats and presents :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Poppy. I hope you gain full control of your hind legs soon.
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