I am a little bit worried that some people out there may be seriously deficient when it comes to their recommended daily intake of vitamin C (that is vitamin CUTE). I am sure that none of these vitamin cute-deficient people are your parents; nor are they mine. I supply so much cute that sometimes they actually suffer from another condition called hyper-cutonic affective disorder (H-CAD), or "cute overload" in layman's terms.
Anyway, back to the point at hand. There are plenty of pet-less people out there who are vitamin-cute deficient! Today, I will try to make this all better by providing several samples of vitamin cute.
Sample A: "Excuse me, are you going to finish that?"
Sample B: "My toothbrush has a flavor!"
Sample C: "Mommy always appreciates my helping."
Sample D: "Butt up; so comfy!"
Furiends, if you know someone who suffers from vitamin cute deficiency, please do your best to give them some cute so they feel all better inside.
Bye for now,
Dr. Poppy, LBC
Woo so khover Vitamin "C" -
I do what I khan to khover Vitamin K(h)!
Hi, Poppy!
You sure have plenty of vitamin C!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Poppy
we like yur vitamins...they are cute
Extremely cute. Hope I don't overdose on Vitamin C! When my mom takes us on walkies, people say we are cute. (And she says, Sometimes.)
Hi Poppy,
Hugs, Tessa
BOL, that is such a scream Poppy but nobody can deny you have the hyper cute gene!
Love the pics.
Wags and kisses, Dinah and Bridget xx
Oh Poppy, we like that you brush your teeth. We need our teefs brushed too. We don't know anything about vitamins. Maybe we should get some from mommy's drawer of goodies.
Indeed, Dr. Poppy, those are excellent examples of vitamin 'cute'!! :)
<3 S and D
Hi Poppy, we are new to your blog, and think that you are ultra cute, we sure had enough vitamin C today, thank you!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
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