Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lazy Week

Hi everybody!

We are having a lazy week around here. Daddy is taking some time off before he starts a new job, and Mommy is enjoying her new, more relaxed schedule as well. As for me, well, I'm always relaxed!

Although I did hear some disturbing news this morning. Mommy was on the phone TWICE with both of my V-E-T-S making TWO appointments for me! One for a back checkup, and one for a regular checkup and vaccine. I may have to join the Doggy Protection Program to get out of this one! Shall I relocate to Mexico, the original land of My People (and home of Lorenza, of course)?

Bye for now,
Poppy the LBC


Petra said...

Relocating to Mexico is a brilliant idea, Poppy! I'm sure Lorenza has room for you!

Daisy said...

Lazing around is how I enjoy spending time, too. I hope your appointments go well!

Pedro said...


I'm sure Lorenza would provide a safe house for you but how will you get there? You look like you're doing great so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about! I have a safe house in NY if you want to travel East!


Tadpole said...

No - you should relocate to Tadpole Pomegranate's House! Call me when your mom isn't looking and I'll give you directions. We can nap together just like you're doing in that picture because that's how I sleep ALL THE TIME!

You'll have to put up with Mean Sister Fig. She's pretty annoying because all she does is whine and complain 23 hours a day. And I'm not exaggerating.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Poppy!
Yes, yes, yes! Come here! I will be waiting for you!
Don't worry. Like Pedro said, you are doing great and your vet will be amazed!
Kisses and hugs

Rambo said...

you are always welcome at my dawg house too! I will give you directions if you want to come to California. Me and MM would love to play with you.

Mack said...

Hi Pretty Poppy!!
I wouldn't be too afraid of the vet - after all you are really walking wonderfully after the surgery!!
And Lilly goes to Mexico once a year to visit her peeps. Maybe you two could meet up and doing a little shopping....

Jemma Chihuahua said...


If you go back to Mexico, bring me!! I've been visiting the evil vet often, too, and I don't like it one bit.
