...because I sleep in cat baskets. Yes, it's true, this is a wicker "bunk basket" designed for cats. But my sister Clover doesn't really like it. To try to make it more appealing, Mommy made this nice blue fleece pillow for it. Clover still doesn't like it, but I do! It's just my size. Clover can sleep on the bottom bunk if she wants to.
Mommy spent all weekend reading about Hairy Poppy--or something like that. I'm pretty sure it was about me. But the picture on the cover didn't look a thing like me, so I guess I can't be sure. Daddy's still reading it. He's not slow, he just had to work until 1:00am on Saturday. I love reading. Reading is when my parents sit down for a long time and I go back and forth between their laps (they each have one) as much as I want. It's neat!
Bye for now!
Poppy the LBC
Dear Poppy,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I am feeling mostly better now and I only frowed up a little bit tonight but not all all yesterday even.
You are a very beautiful Chihuahua like me! And I see we have a lot of the same things in common (especially the yard treats and the nose-frenching parts!). I was not a rescue chi because I was borned in Tijuana Mehico but my Mom says I was borned at a nice breeder family up in Wyoming.
Anyway, let's you and me be friends now. I'll come back by here when I'm feeling 100% better! :)
P.S. Did you even know that I was named after someone in those Hairy Poppy books? We have the same!
Your pal,
Ooh, my girl read all about Hairy Poppy too! I didn't realize it was about YOU!!! How cool - I have a famous friend! Do you get residual rights? Or money for treats and toy?!
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