Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy and Sad--7/5/07

Hi everybody,

My name is Poppy and I am a little blonde chihuahua. My mommy is in the process of moving my previous posts over (DONE! See below.) from yahoo 360, so check back later for more about me. Most of the blogs we read (Wally, Sparky, Minou & Birdie, Scubee. . .) are on blogger, so we thought we should join in. So I'm happy.

But I'm also very sad today about Scubee. Mommy cried a little earlier, even though we have never met Scubee in person (dogson?). Our best wishes go out to Scubee and his family. My Mommy and Daddy know how it feels to lose a furchild. Enjoy life all the way to the end, Scubee. Our thoughts are with you.

Bye for now,
Poppy Dog


wally said...

Hi Poppy! Welcome to blogger. I'm sorry I haven't stopped by before!


Poppy said...

Thanks Wally!

Ferndoggle said...

We were sad about Scubee too. He was very loved by every pup!

Welcome to blogger! We've been pretty happy here.

Sherman, Penny & Lola